Cringe: Aj mitt revben awkward Ayo benganrizz cringemaskin furry jäck kingeling krämma dig lite så Neckbeard Nerron rawr XD tappat det Tindra
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Ett internetslang som blivit viralt under 2013-2015. Något pinsamt eller obekvämt. Exempel på en cringe-stämplad individ: En fedora-bärande person som lider av social fobi, och som råkar njuta av My Little Pony och anime, klagandes på att alltid vara "forever alone". Ibland fäktas han med sitt plast svärd och fäster en "fejk" svans i byxorna och går runt i det offentliga och låtsas att han är inte mänsklig. Han tillbringar sina dagar på 9GAG och Reddit och talar om "dank memes" på sin Facebook-sida. Han använder ordet "lol" allt för ofta. Han är arbetslös och bor i sin mammas källare.
-Det är så sjukt cringe när han pratar om sin "My Little Pony"-kollektion.
-Det var riktigt cringe när jag höll min redovisning idag.
Av Herrgroda den 3 december 2015 10 kommentarer
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En situation då du känner sekundärskam.
"När han började använda massa engelska ord så blev det cringe."
Av n00bman den 22 augusti 2017 0 kommentarer
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The tradtional meaning of the swedish word världsligheter is something that is connected to the world and the earthly life, in contrast to something connected to the celestial. In other words, it is something concrete, material and non-spiritual. The word is often used to describe aspects of life that are seen as less important, mundane and trivial. But what aspects of life are really trivial? Isn't really världsligheter the foundation upon which our societies and cultures are built? Isn't it what defines us, what creates similiarities and differences, what unifies us and disconnects us, all at the same time?
After spending some time in Eastern Africa, these questions have arised. We all have our own definition of what is really världsligheter and not, and they affect us in different ways. But one thing is certain, they seem to be filtrating all elements of all of our lives.
The tradtional meaning of the swedish word världsligheter is something that is connected to the world and the earthly life, in contrast to something connected to the celestial. In other words, it is something concrete, material and non-spiritual. The word is often used to describe aspects of life that are seen as less important, mundane and trivial. But what aspects of life are really trivial? Isn't really världsligheter the foundation upon which our societies and cultures are built? Isn't it what defines us, what creates similiarities and differences, what unifies us and disconnects us, all at the same time?
After spending some time in Eastern Africa, these questions have arised. We all have our own definition of what is really världsligheter and not, and they affect us in different ways. But one thing is certain, they seem to be filtrating all elements of all of our lives.
Av 1337cotta den 28 maj 2017 2 kommentarer
Cringe? Hur menar du?